Current Member Information

Your Conway Regional Health and Fitness Center membership gives you access to a unique medically-integrated health and fitness team and state-of-the-art facilities and programs. To create an enjoyable membership experience, you must understand the terms and conditions of membership and our facility rules and guidelines. We hope you’ll find the information on this page helpful in managing your membership account and maximizing the membership experience for everyone.

Account Changes

Family members may be added (upgraded) to or taken off (downgraded) your membership. At least one person must be active on the account to downgrade. Membership upgrades are made by paying the difference in the enrollment fee between the current member type and the new member type. Downgrades may only occur AFTER the contract renewal date and will be effective on the first of the upcoming month. Upgrades may occur at any time and may be made effective before the first of the upcoming month by paying a prorated monthly fee. The prorated fee would include the cost difference between the current and new monthly membership fee.

Upon reaching the 12-month automatic renewal date, a member may cancel by giving notice at least five (5) days notice before the month in which the termination is to be effective. If notice is received after five (5) days, the member will be billed in full for the following month, and the cancellation will be effective at the end of the month. Cancellation of the bank or credit card draft used to pay for membership dues does not cancel the membership contract or relieve the member from their obligation to pay dues. Members will be subject to the posted enrollment fee and monthly dues upon rejoining if the membership is canceled. Written notice of cancellation may be a) mailed to Conway Regional Health and Fitness Membership Services, 700 Salem Road, Conway, AR 72034, or b) submitted on-site by completing a CRHFC cancellation form. It is incumbent upon the member to confirm CRHFC’s receipt of such notice. Cancellations are not accepted via phone or email.

Personal Freeze

Members may freeze membership for a minimum of one (1) month and a maximum of six (6) months in a 12-month period. All freeze requests must be in writing before the desired freeze month(s) and accompanied by the appropriate paperwork. A monthly freeze fee will be applied to all personal freezes. Medical freezes accompanied by a physician’s note will not be charged a freeze fee. Members on the account will be unable to use the facility while the contract is on freeze. If the contract is still under the 12-month commitment period, the months on freeze will not count towards that commitment. Memberships will be reactivated at the end of the maximum freeze term. Memberships may not be placed on freeze status to avoid the 30-day notice for cancellation. Freezes are subject to approval by the membership office.

Medical Freeze

A medical freeze is available for a prolonged illness or injury. Written notification from a healthcare provider is required to verify the condition. Medical freezes may be for at least one month and a maximum of six months. Members on the account cannot use the facility, or their guest passes while the membership is frozen. If the membership is still under the 12-month contractual period, the months on freeze will not apply to that commitment. All requests must be submitted in writing before the desired freeze month(s). A medical release is a written authorization from a healthcare provider and is required to reactivate a CRHFC Membership placed on Medical Freeze. There is no fee charged for putting a membership on medical freeze. If a member experiences a medical emergency at CRHFC, they are advised to consult with their healthcare provider before returning to regular workouts.


Rules & Regulations

Please download the PDF attached below for a complete list of the Health and Fitness Center Rules and Regulations. 

Facility Age Guidelines

Please download the PDF attached below for an easy-to-read table format of our guidelines for kids or visit our Facility Age Guidelines page for more information.

Member Handbook

Please download the PDF attached below to review the Health & Fitness Center Member Handbook.

Questions and Comments

Any of our employees can assist you if you have questions while at the center. If you would like to write down a suggestion, comment, or problem, please fill out a suggestion card which can be found in several locations throughout the building. These cards are forwarded to the appropriate manager. You may also submit a question or comment online. Please ask if you have any questions - we're here to help.

Become a Member

Call 501-450-9292 or click the button.